Blue Bird Massage
2101 Durston RoadSuite #2
Bozeman MT 59718
The modalities that are utilized at Blue Bird Massage are Massage Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy and Reiki. Massage Therapy at Blue bird massage is customized for each patient in order to develop a treatment that is efficient and achieves your objective. Massage can be light and soothing to eliminate stress or deep and nourishing to relieve tension and help the body attain a more natural alignment and posture. CranioSacral Therapy at Blue Bird Massage addresses the constrictions of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system through the use of gentle touch to surrounding tissue. CranioSacral Therapy is effective in treating migraines, chronic pain, and joint disorders while encouraging the body to unwind and release habitual stress patterns. Reiki at Blue Bird Massage utilizes light touch to focus on the chakras or energy centers along the spine. My approach to Reiki is to help the healing, nourishing, life sustaining energy, or Chi, flow more freely throughout the bodyâ??s energy system. Reiki can be used to accelerate healing, assist the body in cleansing toxins and balance the flow of energy in the body. At Blue Bird Massage you can expect the upmost professional experience. I am proud to present my clients with a relaxing, warming and confidential environment. Come experience how body work and energy work, through massage, Reiki, and CranioSacral Therapy, can help you relax and release layers of stress. I am excited to meet you and work with you to develop a treatment plan to help you achieve your goals for a healthier life. As you explore the Blue Bird Massage website, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or comments you may have.
- Years in practice: 3
- License: Montana
Types of Massage Practiced
Payment Methods Accepted
- Credit Card
- Cash