If you get a massage on a regular basis, then you know just how relaxing and therapeutic it can be. It is an experience that offers a kind of mini-vacation away from the stress and strain of everyday life. Do you ever think that you would like to share that experience, not just by gifting someone with their own massage, but actually sharing the experience at the same time?
Perhaps you want to share the experience with your spouse, your partner, a best friend, a parent, or sibling. The perfect gift just might be a couple’s massage. Perhaps your own massage therapist offers them as part of a package deal, or you may see it offered at a local spa, a vacation resort or even as part of cruise line amenities.
Wherever and whenever you choose it, a couple’s massage is a great way to deepen your bond with another person and experience that mini-vacation at the same time.
What to Expect During a Couple’s Massage
To be perfectly clear, a couple’s massage is not about sexuality or any kind of sexual experience. It is about a shared time of relaxation and just being together for the experience.
The massage session may be offered as part of a special package. In addition to the massage itself, you might be offered a light meal or snack afterward, or a small gift bag filled with such things as essential oils, massage lotion, a music CD or even a discount coupon for a future massage.
The massage room will have two tables, usually side by side, and be visually less clinical than a standard therapeutic massage. Each person will have his or her own massage therapist. Usually the two therapists will work at the same pace using the same technique. While the session is usually a quiet time for the recipients, depending on the individuals, it can also be a time for quiet chatting.
When the session is over, there may be some downtime with herbal tea, cookies or even a light meal served to continue the relaxing experience. If done at a spa or resort, there may even be some additional bodywork, such as a Vichy* shower or hot tub.
The rules regarding draping and modesty are the same as for an individual massage, with sheeting or towels covering the body.
The pricing of a couple’s massage can vary greatly depending on what amenities or services are included, as well as the location. The cost is rarely less than two individual massages and more likely equal to or slightly more than two sessions.
A Great Gift Idea!
Check with you local massage therapist or spa, see if they offer gift certificates and if they have couple’s massage on their menu. This is an especially nice gift to share with a loved one. Don’t limit the experience to you spouse or partner. It is also something worth sharing with a best friend, a parent or sibling. It’s is a very nice gift for special days such as an anniversary or birthday.
Take the time to relax with a loved one and enjoy the experience!
* A Vichy shower is a body treatment usually done at spas, and consists of a cleansing and invigorating shower done while lying on a cushioned spa table. The shower consists of a metal arm with five to seven shower heads that are attached above the table either to the wall or to the ceiling. It is often used to rinse off after mud or herbal treatments. The client usually remains partially draped during the treatment.