Whether it is your first massage or your 50th, one of the most important things you as a client can do to make your session the best and most effective it can be, is to have open communication with your massage therapist.
A good massage therapist can do a lot of things, but reading your mind is not one of them. Letting the therapist know how you feel, informing him or her of any medication changes and technique preferences can ensure you get the massage your body and mind need to bring balance into your life.
Before the session begins your massage therapist will do what is called an “intake.” This consists of asking questions about your health and current situation. For a first-timer, this may take as long as half an hour; for a repeat client it will be shorter. This is the time to let the therapist know if you have any aches or pains, recent surgeries or injuries, or even if there has been more stress in your life.
You should also express any concerns or preferences. For example: “Is deep tissue massage too intense for you?” “Do you want more work on your arms because you’ve been working out or playing a lot of tennis?”
In addition to communicating during the intake, it is also important to communicate with your massage therapist during the session. If the massage therapist’s touch is too light or too deep, if you want more work on your feet or your shoulders – let him or her know.
The massage therapist is trained to focus on your healthcare needs. Bodyworkers are trained to take what you tell them and create a custom session that will help you to feel better, improve circulation, relax stressed muscles and maintain flexibility in your joints.
A two-way conversation between client and therapist is the best way to get the ultimate massage.